Izabal Wood Co.


Puntero / Simira salvadorensis

Local Names
Redheart, Saltemuche, Chacahuante, Palo de Rosa, Guayatil Colorado, Palo Colorado, Brasilete, Carmesí, Aguacatire, Paraguatá, Arareua, Arariba, Pau Brasil.
Distribution & Tree
Known as chakte kok in Peten and Mexico, puntero in Izabal and redheart commercially, the tree is found throughout continental tropical America from southern Mexico to Brazil and Paraguay. It is found in high jungle not prone to prolonged flooding and calcareous soils. It tends to occur in higher densities in disturbed areas. The tree reaches heights of 20 meters with a trunk diameter of 50 cm.
Wood Appearance
Red when freshly cut, the heartwood fades to a dark brown with a medium luster when dry and has a fine, uniform texture. Its grain is straight to irregular. When not exposed to regular sunlight or finished with UV inhibitors, the wood retains a bright cherry color.
Processing Properties
Working properties, including planing, machining and sanding, are good. Very good for sculpting, polishes and finishes well. It glues well but may be difficult to nail without pre-boring and may split during sawing. Due to a high percentage of sapwood, milling efficiencies are low, driving up the price of the heartwood.
Strength & Durability
Moderately heavy and laterally hard, it is rated as durable and the wood is fairly resistant to attack by fungi. Permeable and amenable to treatment.
Wood Uses
Turnery, railroad ties, boxes and crates, interior trim, millwork, veneers, tool handles, craft items, and light construction.
Ecological & Social Importance
The wood and bark yield a red dye used commercially and may have applications in histology. Leaves are sold in rolled bunches as roofing due to their durability of up to 10 years. Smaller leaves are utilized for hats, brooms, hand fans and baskets.
Reference Species with Similar Density & Hardness
Technical CharacteristicsChakte KokBlack MapleNorthern Red Oak
Janka Hardnesskgf549535553
Bending Stiffness (Modulus of Elasticity)GPa10.311.212.1
Bending Strength (Modulus of Rupture)MPa98.791.799.2
Crushing StrengthMPa46.246.146.8
Shrinkage, Radial%2.8%4.8%4.0%
Shrinkage, Tangential%8.2%9.3%8.6%
Shrinkage, Volumetric%10.6%14.0%13.7%
T/R Ratio2.91.92.2
Values determined at 12% humidity - Provided for reference only







Values are for reference only and cannot be guaranteed. Wood is a natural material and physical and mechanical properties may vary depending on age, genetics, and other factors. We encourage customers to consult the references provided in the bibliography. For further explanations of wood’s key technical characteristics, an excellent resource is the Wood Database with articles on Density (average dried weight); Janka hardness; Elastic Modulus; Rupture Modulus; Crushing Strength; Radial, Tangential and Volumetric Shrinkage.

ReferencesView Source
"Catálogo de Maderas Tropicales de México". 2012
“Un Colorante Natural de la Selva: Chacahuante.” Feria 21. Inscripción 4376425. UNAM.
Chacahuante. "Catálogo de Arboles." Red de Viveros de Biodiversidad.
Empresa Comunitaria de Servicios del Bosque (FORESCOM). "Recopilación Bibliográfica: Especificaciones Técnicas De 19 Especies Maderables Tropicales, En Peten, Guatemala." Proyecto Promoción Comercial de Productos y
Maderas Certificadas de Guatemala. Julio 2007.
Forster, R. et al. "Comunidades forestales y el mercadeo de maderas tropicales poco comerciales de Mesoamérica." 2002.
Frijolillo "Catalogo de Arboles." Red de Viveros de Biodiversidad (México).
Gutiérrez Pacheco, L. "Como elegir maderas según los usos en arquitectura y construcción." Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego.
Redheart. The Wood Database.
Sickingia Spp. Wood Technology Transfer Fact Sheets. Forest Products Laboratory. USDA Forest Service.
Simira cordifolia. ITTO Lesser Known Species.
Vester, H., Navarro-Martínez, A. "Fichas Ecológicas arboles maderables de Quintana Roo." Forest Ecology and Management, Tropical Forest Ecology. 2007.